How To Build an Email List in Your Blog – Email Marketing Strategies That Work

Easy Ways To Get Email Subscribers For Your New Blog (Proven Ways)

Hey ! Welcome here

Have you created your blog and you want to drive traffics to your blog through email marketing and get sales at the same time ? If yes. Definitely this guide is for you.

I will show you how to get your first 10 email subscribers and then turn them into 100, 1000, 10000 and more.

Early on when you’re growing your list it can be hard to know who to target and where to find them online. You usually start by writing blog posts to no one. And it sucks. It’s really weird to write posts for an audience of zero. 

I think you should start by writing to an audience of 10.

The 10 Person Rule

The 10 person rule is where you start by identifying 10 people you know (like having their email address and phone number) who can benefit from your writing. 

When I started out I was teaching about designing a website. So I would think through my friends and co-workers and list out 10 names of people who I knew wanted to learn about designing websites. For me creating that list went like this:

Let’s see… 3 developer co-workers who build websites on the side, a designer friend who is great at graphic design but doesn’t know anything about web design plus your 2 high school friend…

Now let do the simple mathematics as goes thus:

3 coworkers + 1 graphic designer + 2 high school’s friends = 5 (five).

Don’t stop until you have 10 real names listed out. Here, I made some handy slots for you:

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________
  6. _______________________
  7. _______________________
  8. _______________________
  9. _______________________
  10. _______________________

If you can’t get to 10 people you know personally who would benefit from what you want to teach, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your audience choice…or make some new friends.

The First Step

Email each of them personally and ask two questions:

  1. What’s your biggest frustration when learning about [topic]?
  2. What websites, blogs, or forums do you visit now to learn about [topic]?

Here is a sample email:

Hey Surez,

I’m starting a new site helping graphic designers get better with Canva. Could you help me with two quick questions?

  1. What’s your biggest frustration in Canva?
  2. What websites, blogs, or forums do you visit now to learn about graphic design?



P.S. I’d love to add you to the initial readers. Is that okay? Just let me know.

Send this to friends, family, and co-workers who you know are generally interested in this topic or supporting you ( that can mean your mom, Aunt Sofiyah, your high school math teacher that knew you’d do great things). 

Start with 10, but then push past that and reach out to even more people!

The Second Step

Now here’s where it can get tricky: What do you actually write about for your blog posts?

Knowing what to write can be hard when you’re just starting out. The single best writing prompt I’ve found is answering a real frustration. So the answers to the first question (“What’s your biggest frustration when learning about [topic]?”) gives you blog post ideas.

The answers to the second question will tell you all the communities you should be engaging with and sharing your content to get more readers.

If you do this right, you’ll finish the exercise with at least 10 new email subscribers, a list of exactly where your target audience hangs out online, and material for your first five to ten blog posts.

How to drive product sales

Now that you have a few tactics in your back pocket on how to grow your email list, let’s talk about the different types of emails you need to send to your customers.

Here are a few you should be using to promote your ecommerce brand.

1. Welcome emails

A welcome email is the first email someone receives when they join your mailing list. You can have a welcome email for customers too, but in this case, we’re talking about a welcome email for new subscribers who haven’t bought anything yet.

At the beginning of a new relationship with subscribers, you have the chance to make a great first impression by being friendly and helpful. By providing free value up front, you create a sense of reciprocity (which often pays off, as people are naturally compelled to reciprocate that behavior).

One way to do this is to introduce your products and talk about how they are beneficial to your new reader.

You have to use your welcome email to show new subscribers around the blog.

2. Bundle emails

Everything is better in multiples, right? Figuring out what products work well together and then selling them as a bundle is always a smart way to provide convenience to subscribers and boost average order value.

For example, suppose your reader is purchasing your graphics design book. In that case, you could create a bundle to go along with the course, including additional resources related to graphic education.

Not everyone will opt for extra products, but there will always be people who get excited about bundles. (More is more, you know?)

So instead of giving the option to buy only the ebook, you can also create a bundle to go along with the course that included some extra packages.

3. Thank you emails

Usually, thank you pages are just dead-end landing pages, but there’s actually a lot of sales potential there. The same goes for thank you emails. It’s one place you can help a buyer become a loyal, long-term customer instead of just another one-time purchaser.

You can add a little extra revenue in thank you emails by simply adding a few links to similar products. You can include both a discount and a timer to give a sense of urgency in your thank you email series.

4. Abandoned cart emails

Did you know around 70% of all online shopping carts are abandoned? It’s endemic in the online environment. But just because your customer didn’t go through with the purchase doesn’t mean it’s game over. It just means that they’re not at the right stage in the buyer’s journey yet.

Try sending an abandoned cart email when a subscriber doesn’t complete checkout and determine where the issue lies. If there is a technical issue or question about the product that can be solved via email, reaching out like this is a great way to connect with customers and deliver a strong customer experience.

Should worse come to worst, offering a personalized discount within your follow-up email can be a great way to help them take that final step and convert.

I believe with these article, you can now do more in email marketing. But you can ask : where will I see an email marketing platform that we make this easy for me ?

Check the link below to get started.

Best of luck!


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